Friday, June 20, 2014

Good Bye

This was written before I left Germany

I meant to write more. I meant to write about Amsterdam, end year seminar, eastern Europe, so much more. But then, I found myself here: Four days from leaving the country that I've lived in for the past 10 months and learned to love. My suitcase is partially packed. Several goodbyes have been exchanged, several tears have been shed. Thursday will be my last day of school and friday I'll say goodbye to my host family and take a train down to Frankfurt. Saturday, I fly home. I knew I would have to leave, of course. I knew all along that it was coming. But suddenly, it's not January and I don't have months and months left. It's tuesday. I leave Saturday. 
This year has been so many things. It's had its rough times, when all I wanted to do was go home because I was so homesick and lonely. But there were also times that I realized I was the happiest that I'd ever been. Whether I was with other American exchange students or new-found German friends, there were so many incredible times. 
This year also changed me. Everything I experienced, the good and the bad, shaped me in some way. I took something away from each day. I learned a lot about myself. I figured out a little more what I want to do with my life.
Here's the thing about exchange: You leave everything you know behind. Your familiar friends, family, school, and town are thousands of miles away. You start a new life. A new family, a new town, a new language, and completely new people. Then, with the realization that ten months actually isn't all that long, you build an entirely new life for yourself only to know that you'll have to leave it all behind. It's not easy, but it is so worth it. 
I'll miss this place so much. My host family will always be a second family to me, and my german friends are some of the most amazing people I've ever met. It's somewhat heartbreaking to realize that it's truly ending. It's also a really weird feeling. It's strange to think that this time next week I'll be at home. I'm also a bit excited, of course. Chick-fil-a. the dollar, and my family await. But there will always be a part of me back in Germany. This isn't 'goodbye', it's 'until next time'. I know that this friday will be hard. I know that saying goodbye to my host family will be very, very difficult. But like I said, until next time. I'll be coming back eventually.

Thanks for reading, everyone.

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